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StarLink, Dell Software host partner roadshow

StarLink, a specialist security solutions VAD and Dell Software Group (DSG), recently hosted a partner roadshow in the Middle East that aimed at raising awareness around DSG's solutions for enterprise SIs and resellers.

Delegates received an overview of DSG's solutions capabilities and learnt about channel enablement and revenue incentives. In addition, the roadshow showcased to partners how they can help their customers to make the most of their IT using Dell's innovative software offerings.

Dominique Honnay, director, Emerging Markets at Dell Software Group said: "We are very pleased with the success of the roadshow. This will provide enough leverage to our partners to utilise our latest software solutions and share knowledge and experience with their customers, together with StarLink's technical resources and skilled engineers to extensively help them target enterprise, telcos and government segments."

Nidal Othman, managing director, StarLink, said: "The partner roadshow has helped us train channel partners to enable them to recognise opportunities, deliver business agility and generate revenue opportunities to help their business thrive. We also aim to provide exceptional responsiveness, leading-edge practices and technical excellence to support channel partners and their customers."

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